
Your dentist in Zurich


Healthy teeth and a beautiful smile - these are our goals for each treatment. Learn more by visiting the various sites on the drop-down menu of our services.

Verschönern Sie Ihr Lächeln mit den besten Zahnärzten in Zürich

Look forward to a comfortable and fast treatment

At ZahnCity we offer you a treatment with the in-the-mouth scanner TRIOS® 3, that accurately captures a complete image of your teeth in 3D.

The dentist smoothly glides the scanner over your teeth, rapidly creating an accurate impression digitally in 3D.

The results are immediately sent to the lab over the internet. The advantages are hard to ignore …


• It’s quick – fewer retakes and appointments

• It’s comfortable – no gooey substance in your mouth

• It’s convenient – Your new crown can be ready faster

• It’s accurate – excellent crown fit and look


A team of a qualified dentist in Zurich

ZahnCity is a multi-speciality practice with a full complement of dental professionals who are knowledgeable and well equipped to provide you with the dental services you need to enjoy a lifetime of good dental Health.

Oscar Svennung
Dentist, Site Manager

Studied at the university of Goteborg, Sweden.
Languages: GER/ENG/SWE

Lovisa Langenstam

Studied at the university of Gothenborg, Sweden. Languages: GER/ENG/SWE

Irena Vasic

Studium an der Universität Zürich


Miran Mirazovic

Studied at university of Malmö in Schweden
Languages: DEU/ENG/SWE

Eeva Kylätie

Studium an der Universität Helsinki in Finnland
Sprachen: DEU / ENG / FIN / SWE

Monica Cunha
Dental hygienist

Languages: DEU/ENG

Marion Weinberger
Praxismanagerin / Dentalsekretärin

Sprachen: DEU/ENG

Patricija Allaku

Sprachen: DEU / ENG

Fanny Wikberg

Sprachen: DEU/ENG/SWE